Krakatoa & Cotopaxi

Recently I was commissioned to take Howie Day's beautiful Krakatoa class model and add some additional interior details for the payload bay, and then to produce a series of renders showing USS Krakatoa (or its sister, USS Cotopaxi) out taming the wilds of the Federation! I had a ton of fun imagining how the payload bay might look, and making these images... even as each image made it more difficult to come up with a new and exciting idea for a scene!

Huge thanks to Matthew Wilkinson for the commission, and of course to Howie Day for making and sharing his beautiful model; to Lewis Niven for his excellent Blender conversion, and to many others for their advice, guidance, and contributions!

USS Cotopaxi hands off a load of cargo to Depot 261 to store in the station's stacks. Depots act as cargo hubs, and containers are often relayed between half a dozen such stations before reaching their destination.

USS Cotopaxi hands off a load of cargo to Depot 261 to store in the station's stacks. Depots act as cargo hubs, and containers are often relayed between half a dozen such stations before reaching their destination.

USS Krakatoa and USS Cotopaxi make a quick stop near the Birinanthi supernova remnant to rendezvous with the ambassador's courier shuttle.

USS Krakatoa and USS Cotopaxi make a quick stop near the Birinanthi supernova remnant to rendezvous with the ambassador's courier shuttle.

USS Cotopaxi departs Vulcan on a mission, accompanied by USS Buran.

USS Cotopaxi departs Vulcan on a mission, accompanied by USS Buran.

USS Krakatoa does some much-needed maintenance after a subspace repeater array is damaged by a rogue meteoroid.

USS Krakatoa does some much-needed maintenance after a subspace repeater array is damaged by a rogue meteoroid.

A pair of Cardassian Alekor-class ships have spotted USS Krakatoa "testing scientific equipment." At least, that's the story Starfleet is going with.

A pair of Cardassian Alekor-class ships have spotted USS Krakatoa "testing scientific equipment." At least, that's the story Starfleet is going with.